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title:“William Smith, Jr. to William White”
authors:William Smith, William Smith, Jr.
date written:1788-6-16

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Smith, William, Jr and William Smith. "Letter to William White." The Documentary History of the Ratification of the Constitution. Vol. 10. Ed. Gaspare J. Saladino and John P. Kaminski. Madison: Wisconsin Historical Society Press, 1993. 1459-60. Print.

William Smith, Jr. to William White (June 16, 1788)

I attended at Capt. Charles Yancey's this day, having heard that the Commissioners were to attend there to determine the right of election between you and Colonel Morris in the cause of the present Convention, Mr. Poindexter (your other agent) not being in the county, has a good deal embarrassed me, as I was at a loss how to conduct the matter; however I attended in order to do you that justice that might be in my power, we waited until late in the afternoon, when Colonel Morris wrote to Colonel Minor to proceed to take the depositions in his absence, without appointing any agent on his side, I objected that as Col. Morris did not appear by himself or agent that the business should not go on; in consequence of which a good deal of altercation insued, but at length it was agreed to refer it to a majority of the Commissioners whether they should proceed or not, on which they were divided, Colonel Nelson Anderson withdrew himself who was of opinion that they ought not to proceed on the business, after which it was agreed that Colonel Garret Minor should act for Colonel Morris, and the other three Commissioners should proceed to do the business. I then moved that my objections should be entered and transmitted to the Convention, which was refused, and I think I can say with propriety, that every step I undertook on your behalf was rejectedunjustly; as I have no weight with the gentlemen, all I can do is to be an idle spectator to what I think the most partial piece of business I ever saw conducted; Colonel Anderson is also an idle spectator to the business. Was I to go on to endeavour to give you a right idea of the days business, I fear I should tire your patience, and perhaps fall a good deal short in my account. I think you are treated very unjustly, ungenerously and ungenteelly. All I have to add, is, that I should be happy had it been in my power to give you justice. I refer you to those persons present for the confirmation of what I assert, as also for further information, and remain Your most obedient Humble servant, [P. S.] After writing the within, I have again applied to the Commissioners to enter my objection, which they say they will do after going through the business which effectually stops my taking any further steps, as I do not know in what manner they will enter my objections. WM. SMITH, Junior P. S. Since writing the above, I have waited on the Commissioners as a witness in your behalf, being qualified to swear that several persons who voted for Col. Morris, had no legal vote, which I have been informed of by the persons themselves, also to establish Richard Paulet's vote as good, who voted for you, and was refused, and not set down at the election. They refused depositions on your side until they had heard every matter in favour of Col: Morris, saying that I had better wait than others; accordingly about or little before sun-set, they did agree to hear witness on your side. When I proceeded to write depositions in your favour, after proceeding a considerable length, Col. Minor, in favour of Col. Morris, objected to the depositions on your side, saying that Col. Morris nor his agent were not present (mark this) upon which, I was, I may say, amazed. The objection made by Col Minor was allowed, and entered accordingly, upon which I went from their presence in confusion. Mr. Thomas Johnson, sheriff, followed me, when I was about to get on my horse, and mentioned something about comeing back. But believe me sir, I never wish to transact business with gentlemen of their turn. I will say no more only I wish you to understand that all the gentlemen did not appear to act on the same principle.

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