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title:“Journal Notes of the Massachusetts Ratification Convention Proceedings”
date written:1788-1-21

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"Journal Notes of the Massachusetts Ratification Convention Proceedings." The Documentary History of the Ratification of the Constitution. Vol. 6. Ed. Gaspare J. Saladino and John P. Kaminski. Madison: Wisconsin Historical Society Press, 2000. 1276-77. Print.
Massachusetts Archives

Journal Notes of the Massachusetts Ratification Convention Proceedings (January 21, 1788)

Met according to adjournment On motion, Resolved as follows, viz.
Whereas there is a publication in "the Boston Gazette and the Country Journal" of this day as follows viz "Bribery and Corruption! ! ! The most diabolical plan is on foot to corrupt the members of the Convention, who oppose the adoption of the New Constitution. Large sums of money have been brought from a neighbouring State for that purpose, contributed by the wealthy;—if so, is it not probable there may be collections for the same accursed purpose nearer home? CENTINEL.["] 4th sect. considered in its order.
Mr. AMES rose to answer several objections. He would forbear if possible to go over the ground which had been already well trodden. The fourth section had been, he said, well discussed, and he did not mean to offer any formal argument, or new observations upon it.-It had been said, the power of regulating elections was given to Congress. He asked if a motion was brought forward in Congress, on that particular, subjecting the states to any inconvenience-whether it was probable such a motion could obtain?1 It had been also said, that our federal legislature, would endeavour to perpetuate themselves in office-and that the love of power was predominant.-Mr. Ames asked how the gentlemen prevailed on themselves to trust the state legislature. He thought it was from a degree of confidence, that was placed in them.

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