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title:“Journal Notes of the Massachusetts Ratification Convention Proceedings”
date written:1788-1-19

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"Journal Notes of the Massachusetts Ratification Convention Proceedings." The Documentary History of the Ratification of the Constitution. Vol. 6. Ed. Gaspare J. Saladino and John P. Kaminski. Madison: Wisconsin Historical Society Press, 2000. 1254. Print.
Massachusetts Archives

Journal Notes of the Massachusetts Ratification Convention Proceedings (January 19, 1788)

Met according to adjournment.
The Hon. E Gerry Esqr answered the question proposed to him yesterday as follows viz.
Saturday morning 19th January Sir,
I have no documents in Boston, and am uncertain whether I have any at home, to assist me in answering the question, "Why in the last requisition of Congress, the portion required of this State was thirteen times as much as of Georgia & yet we have but eight representatives in the general Government and Georgia has three." but if my memory serves me, the reason assigned by the committee who made the apportionment for giving such a number to Georgia, was, that that State had of late greatly increased its' numbers by migration, and if not then, would soon be entitled to the proportion assigned her I think it was also said, that the apportionment was made, not, by any fixed principle, but by a compromise. These reasons not being satisfactory a motion was made on the part of Massachusetts, for increasing her number of representatives, but it did not take effect.
I have the honour to be Sir with the highest respect Yr. most obedt. & very humb Servt E Gerry Hon Wm. Cushing Vice President of the Convention The Convention proceeded in the consideration of the Constitution or Frame of Government reported by the Convention held at Philadelphia, and after debate, a motion was made and seconded that the Hon. E. Gerry Esqr. be requested to give what information he may have in his mind respecting the Senate. A motion was then made & seconded that the Convention adjourn, and on the question for adjournment, it was determined in the affirmative.
Adjourned to Monday morng. 10. o Clk

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