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title:“Newspaper Report of the Massachusetts Ratification Convention”
date written:1788-2-2

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"Newspaper Report of the Massachusetts Ratification Convention." The Documentary History of the Ratification of the Constitution. Vol. 6. Ed. Gaspare J. Saladino and John P. Kaminski. Madison: Wisconsin Historical Society Press, 2000. 1406-07. Print.

Newspaper Report of the Massachusetts Ratification Convention (February 2, 1788)

The HON. MR. STRONG went into a particular discussion of the several amendments recommended in the proposition submitted by his Excellency-each of which he considered with much attention;-he anticipated the good effect it must have in concilliating the various sentiments of gentlemen on the subject-and expressed his firm belief, that if it was recommended by the Convention, it would be inserted in the Constitution.
Gen. THOMPSON said, we have no right to make amendments-it was not, he said, the business we were sent for-he was glad, he said, that gentlemen were now convinced it was not a perfect system, and that it wanted amendments-this, he said, was different from the language they had formerly held.-However as to the amendments, he could not say amen to them-but they might be voted for by some men-he did not say Judases.
Mr. PARSONS, Col. ORNE, Hon. MR. PHILLips, and the REV. MR. NILES, and several other gentlemen spoke, in favour of the proposition, as a concilliatory measure-and the probability of the amendments being adopted-MR. NASSON, DR. TAYLOR, MR. THOMAS, (Middleboro) and others, though in sentiment with gentlemen on the propriety of their being admitted into the Constitution, did not think it was probably they would be inserted. Before the Convention adjourned, Gen. WHITNEY moved, that a committee, consisting of two from each county should be raised to consider the amendments, or any other that might be proposed and report thereon—Hon. Mr. SEDGWICK, seconded the motion.
Hon. Mr. DALTON. Mr President—I am not opposed to the motion: But, sir that gentlemen may not again say as has been the case several times this day that the gentlemen who advocate the measure of the proposition, were now convinced that amendments to the Constitution are indispensible; I, sir in my place, say that I am willing to accept the Constitution as it is—and I am in favour of the motion of proposing amendments, only as it is of a conciliating nature—and not as a concession that amendments are necessary.
The motion was put, and carried unanimously—The following gentlemen were then appointed on the said committee, viz.
Hon. Mr. Bowdoin, Mr. Southworth—Mr. Parsons, Hon. Mr. Hutchinson—Hon. Mr. Dana, Mr. Winn—Hon. Mr. Strong,Mr. Bodman—Hon. Mr. Turner,Mr. Thomas of Plymouth—Dr. Smith, Mr. Bourn—Hon. Mr. Spooner, Mr. Bishop—Rev. Dr. Hemmenway, Mr. Barrell—Mr. Mayhew—Hon. Mr. Taylor Hon. Mr. Sprague—Mr. Fox, Mr. Longfellow—Mr. Sewall, Mr Sylvester—Mr. Lusk, Hon. Mr. Sedgwick.

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