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title:“James Madison to Tench Coxe”
authors:James Madison
date written:1788-1-3

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Madison, James. "Letter to Tench Coxe." The Documentary History of the Ratification of the Constitution. Vol. 15. Ed. Gaspare J. Saladino and John P. Kaminski. Madison: Wisconsin Historical Society Press, 1984. 498. Print.

James Madison to Tench Coxe (January 3, 1788)

I have been favored with two letters from you, one containing 2 copies of the freeman, the other a pamphlet & letter for Mr. King. The latter will be forwarded this evening, as will also the former which did not arrive in time for the preceding mail. What goes by name of consolidation in Pena. is I suspect at the bottom of the opposition to the new Govt. almost everywhere; and I am glad to find you engaged in developing the subject. I inclose some papers in which it has been taken up here, that if any hints are contained in them, they may be pursued in your enquiry.
There is certainly favorable change taking place in Virga. on the subject of the Constitution. Several converts of influence have been named to me. I had heard also that Col. R. H. Lee was relaxing in his opposition, if not in his opinions. The authority from which I have it is so good such as almost to overcome the improbability the thing.
Our anxiety for the event in Masts. was not relieved by the last mail. No decisive index had appeared of the relative force of parties. Some letters are flattering, others discouraging, and others again totally skeptical. My hopes & apprehensions are pretty nearly balanced by the sum of the probabilities of each side, tho' with rather a preponderancy on the favorable side.

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